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Smart Transit is active in the area of automatic fare collection including cashless payment systems (EMVco), telematics (ITC) and real-time passenger information systems for public transportation.


We provide solutions for Automatic Fare Collection (AFC), Intermodal Transport Control Systems (ITC) / Telematics and Real-time Passenger Information (RTPI).


Systems we offer are for example Vehicle Computers, Validators, Ticket Office Systems, Portable Systems and Back Office Systems.


Consulting, development, system design, integration, implementation and system operation.


Highly experienced and qualified professional experts.


Transport companies and transport authorities. Our geographical area is Europe.

Validator MV3000 Most powerful device in the market (01/2018)
EMVCo compliant, PAYG, MTT ... More ...

Slimline-Validator ABT3000 Powerful and compact (05/2018)
EMVCo compliant, PAYG, MTT ... More ...

New ticket printer and on-board computer generation (09/2018)
State-of-the-art industrial technology and innovative design ... More ...

Account Based Ticketing / ID-Based Ticketing (01/2019)
Extension of our known system solutions ... More ...

Contactless Reader EMV3000 (05/2019)
EMV contactless reader ... More ...

EMVco Certification (EMV3000, MV3000 and ABT3000) (03/2020)
EMV contactless Level 1 and Level 2 certification ... More ...

Back Office with integrated Video Chat Tool (04/2020)
Video chat tool direct via our back office or an App ...
More ...

Validator MV3000L / ABT3000L (04/2022)
New models with larger (touch-) displays ... More ...

Ticket inspection via Smartphone (Online-Ticket-Check) (09/2022)

Portable Terminal / Handheld / Rugged PDA (01/2023)
Touch 5,5 Inch, NFC, 2D-Imager, LTE, Android 11 / Enterprise ... More ...

Introduction of Open Loop Account Based Ticketing (01/2024)
EMVco Payment and Accounting (MTT) via MV3000 Terminals


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