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 [Facts and Figures]  [References]

Smart Transit focuses on fare management, automatic fare collection (AFC) and telematics systems. The objective is it to make this technology transparent to the customers and thus to contribute to their business success. The staff and partners of Smart Transit dispose of a profound long-time experience with this technology. Close contacts to the public transport sector and intensive relationships with the AFC and telematics industry having been established over many years stand for a successful way into the future.
The main clients of Smart Transit are transport operators and transport authorities. In geographical terms Smart Transit GmbH focuses on Europe.

The Competence of Smart Transit in this technology is based on experiences made over many years during practice-oriented employments and the participation in the planning and introduction processes of AFC systems in different countries, on both the side of the public transport enterprises and the manufacturing industry.

The Strength of Smart Transit is to bundle world-wide know-how and to provide the customers with this knowledge. This particularly applies to enterprises which are preparing the introduction of AFC, or which already have implemented such a system and want to expand it. The international orientation of Smart Transit grants a continuous flow of valuable knowledge.

The Independence of Smart Transit in relation to AFC industry allows to develop and to optimise solutions, which are fully based on the requirements of the public transport companies, without having to deal with interests of the industry.

The Vision of Smart Transit is, to represent transparent the effects of the systems on the organization form of the enterprises, the technology and the customers. Thus the pursued goals are also consistently convertible.


   © Smart Transit GmbH - 2025